
Tin Foil Hat Time: 21 Things That Seem LIke Conspiracy Theories But Are Actually True

Usually, when something sounds too crazy to be true, it is. Except in the case of these hard-to-believe facts that sound like conspiracy theories.

Part of the reason so many people believe in conspiracies is that the United States government – and governments around the world – have hardly kept a clean record when it comes to manipulating situations to get what they want. Between funding inhumane projects, covering up failures, or even "removing" unwanted opponents, our government has been up to some shady stuff in the past. For example, were you aware that thousands of Native American women were once sterilized without their knowledge, and therefore obviously without their consent? The project was supposedly meant to limit children born into underfunded households, but instead contributed to the communities' dwindling numbers. 

If "The US government manipulating thousands of women's bodies in the 60s and 70s" isn't conspiracy enough for you, how about Scientologist agents infiltrating Washington? 

Here are those, and 19 other true facts that sound like conspiracy theories. 

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